RESTRICT PAYMENTS/SHIPPING ZONE by weight, item quantity, country/state, or cart total and many more.
Shipping Country and State Restrictions
Global and Per-Product Restrictions
Country/State options | Shipping Method options | Payment Gateway options
Innozilla Conditional Shipping and Payments – WooCommerce
This is a conditional shipping and payment WooCommerce extension that allows you to create conditional rules to restrict the payment gateways, shipping methods and shipping countries/states by global or per-product settings.
RESTRICT – payment gateway, shipping zone or country by
Cart Total
Package Item Count
Package Weight
Shipping Country
Customer Role
Product on Subscription
Recurring Package
Membership Plan
Coupon Code
Package Total
Shipping Class
Shipping Postcode
Billing Country
$79.99 only
Unlimited Website Installations – Limited Time Offer!
DISABLE SHIPPING methods based on weight, item count, cart total etc.
CONTROL AVAILABILITY of free shipping, flat rates and other shipping options per product, category or shipping class.
Introduce COUNTRY, STATE, or ZIPCODE shipping restrictions for specific products.
LIMIT SHIPPING and payment options to specific customers and customer roles, such as membership holders or wholesale customers.
USE SPECIFIC GATEWAY to pay for subscriptions.
MULTILINGUAL SUPPORT (you can use other 3rd party multilingual plugins to add languages to this plugin)
IMPORTANT: We encourage you to test everything on the FREE version first before purchasing the PRO VERSION.
FOR QUESTIONS: please email us at [email protected]
*For CREDIT CARD payments, Please CLICK HERE to learn how.
if you are unsure if this is plugin works for your store, FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US and we will gladly assist you on finding the right one.
– Or you can message us directly on the lower right of the page –
Before Downloading the PRO version, you can try out the FREE VERSION.
Client Feedback
This reviews is based on WordPress Plugin Reviews. ( click here )
Innozilla Conditional Shipping and Payments
Conditional Shipping and Payments allows you to create conditional rules to restrict the payment gateways,
shipping methods and shipping countries/states available at checkout.
This guide will help you get up to speed with setting up checkout restrictions. It also includes a handy reference of all conditions available for building complex rules, organized by restriction type.
The extension does not create any new shipping/payment methods for you. You can use it to conditionally exclude existing shipping/payment methods based on various parameters, such as: the selected billing/shipping country/state, the total package/order weight, package/cart contents, the current customer/user role or e-mail, and more.
Depending on how you have set up WooCommerce, the checkout page of your store probably offers at least a few:
Conditional Shipping and Payments allows you to conditionally hide/remove some of these options, or display a helpful notice when a customer attempts to use an excluded option. This is possible by creating exclusion rules that may include conditional logic. These rules are called Restrictions.
Some examples:
Prevent products in the Batteries category from being shipped with the Royal Mail shipping option.
Prevent orders from being shipped abroad if they contain products from the Fresh Foods category.
Disable the Continental US Express Mail add-on flat-rate shipping option when customers select a non-continental US State.
Disable the PayU payment option if the selected billing country is not Poland.
Enable the Direct Bank Transfer payment option for specific customers or customer roles only.
Disable the Direct Bank Transfer payment option when the order total is below $1000.
Getting Started
The extension lets you create two types of Restrictions:
Global Restrictions
Product-level Restrictions
Global Restrictions
Global restrictions are the most flexible, since they are not associated with specific products — they are always evaluated during checkout. Global restrictions are created and managed from a dedicated Restrictions tab found by navigating to WooCommerce > Settings > Restrictions:
To create global restrictions, navigate to Settings > Restrictions.
There are 3 sections dedicated to managing restrictions for:
Shipping Countries & States,
Payment Gateways and
Shipping Methods.
Here’s a Payment Gateway restriction example:
A global Payment Gateway restriction.
This global restriction disables the Direct Bank Transfer option if an order has a total value lower than $1000.
Note that you can add multiple rules, even for the same restriction type. For example, you can create multiple restrictions to exclude the same Payment Gateway, with different conditions each time.
Product-level Restrictions
Product-level Restrictions are exclusion rules associated with specific products. They are evaluated for each product found in the cart during checkout and can be created from the Product Data > Restrictions tab.
The following example shows you how to associate a Shipping Countries & States restriction with a Rechargeable Lithium Battery product. The Restriction prevents customers from choosing the United States as a shipping destination for this product, unless the order total is higher than $100.
A product-level restriction.
There are 3 sections dedicated to managing restrictions for:
Payment Gateways
Shipping Methods
Shipping Countries & States
As with global restrictions, you can create multiple rules for the same restriction type.
Product-level restrictions can be created for all types of shipping and payment options.
Every restriction can be accompanied by some conditions, which determine whether the restriction will be activated. A restriction is activated only if all defined conditions match at the same time.
To understand this better, here’s an example:
A restriction with multiple conditions.
This restriction excludes all available shipping methods if:
an order contains products from the Batteries category,
the order is shipped to the United States,
the order total is under $100.
Checkout notice generated by a matching restriction.
Restrictions Reference
Payment Gateways
Payment Gateway restrictions allow you to conditionally disable/exclude payment gateways.
Global Restrictions
To create a global Payment Gateway restriction:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Restrictions > Payment Gateways.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Payment Gateway restrictions include the following options:
- Short Description — Identifies this rule. As you add more rules, short descriptions will make it easier for you to manage them effectively.
- Exclude Gateways — The Payment Gateways disabled by this new rule.
- Show Excluded — When enabled, excluded Payment Gateways are visible at checkout. Select this option if you prefer to have a notice displayed when customers attempt to place an order using an excluded Payment Gateway.
- Custom Notice — Custom notice displayed to customers when attempt to place an order using an excluded Payment Gateway. Overrides the default notice.
- Show Static Notices — By default, when Show Excluded is enabled, a notice is displayed when customers attempt to place an order using a restricted Payment Gateway. Select this option if you also want to display a static notice under each restricted Payment Gateway.
Use Conditions to introduce conditional logic into the restrictions you create. The following table provides a summary of all Conditions available in global Payment Gateway restrictions:
Backorder | in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product on backorder. |
not in cart | Satisfied if the cart does not contain any product on backorder. | |
all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains only products on backorder. | |
not all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product that is not on backorder. | |
Billing Country | is | Satisfied if one of the listed billing countries is selected at checkout. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed billing countries is selected at checkout. | |
Category | in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product from a listed category. |
not in cart | Satisfied if the cart does not contain any product from a listed category. | |
all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains only products from the listed categories. | |
not all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product that does not belong in any of the listed categories. | |
Coupon Code | used | Satisfied if a listed coupon is applied in the cart. |
not used | Satisfied if none of the listed coupons is applied in the cart. | |
Customer | e-mail is | Satisfied if the list of e-mails includes the current customer’s e-mail. |
e-mail is not | Satisfied if the list of e-mails does not include the current customer’s e-mail. | |
Customer Role | is | Satisfied if the listed roles include the current customer’s role. |
is not | Satisfied if the listed roles do not include the current customer’s role. | |
Order Total | < | Satisfied if the checkout order total is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the checkout order total is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Package Item Count | < | Satisfied if the quantity of items in a package is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the quantity of items in a package is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Shipping Class | in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product from a listed shipping class. |
not in cart | Satisfied if the cart does not contain any product from a listed shipping class. | |
all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains only products from the listed shipping classes. | |
not all cart items | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one product that does not belong in any of the listed shipping classes. | |
Shipping Country | is | Satisfied if the listed shipping countries include the shipping country selected at checkout. If any States/Regions are specified, the condition will match only if a listed State/Region is selected at checkout, as well. |
is not | Satisfied if the listed shipping countries do not include the shipping country selected at checkout. If one of the listed shipping countries is selected at checkout and States/Regions are specified, the condition will match only if a non-listed State/Region is selected. | |
Shipping Method | is | Satisfied if one of the listed shipping methods is selected at checkout. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed shipping methods is selected at checkout. | |
Shipping Postcode | is | Satisfied if the shipping postcode entered at checkout is equal to the specified value, or included in the specified range. |
is not | Satisfied if the shipping postcode entered at checkout is not equal to the specified value, or not included in the specified range. | |
Membership Plan 1 | active exists | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of one of the listed Membership Plans. |
all inactive | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of any of the listed Membership Plans. | |
inactive exists | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of at least one of the listed Membership Plans. | |
all active | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of all listed Membership Plans. | |
Product on Subscription 2 | in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one subscription product with the specified billing period. |
not in cart | Satisfied if the cart does not contain any subscription product with the specified billing period. | |
all in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains only subscription products with the specified billing period. | |
not all in cart | Satisfied if the cart contains at least one non-subscription product, or a subscription product with a billing period other than the specified one. | |
Currency 3 | is | Satisfied if one of the listed currencies is currently active. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed currencies is currently active. |
Product-level Restrictions
Product-level Payment Gateway restrictions are useful if you want to exclude one or more Payment Gateways when a specific product is in the cart. To add a new product-level Payment Gateway restriction:
- Navigate to Product Data > Restrictions.
- Choose the Payment Gateways restriction type.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Product-level restrictions include the same options as the ones found in global restrictions of the same type. However, the available Conditions are slightly different:
- Some conditions are unavailable, since product-level rules are linked to a specific product.
- There is a new Product Quantity condition.
Product Quantity | < | Satisfied if the cart item quantity of the product is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the cart item quantity of the product is higher (>=) than this value. |
Shipping Methods
Shipping Method restrictions allow you to conditionally disable/exclude shipping methods — or, shipping method instances added to specific Shipping Zones when using WooCommerce version 2.6+.
Global Restrictions
To create a global Shipping Method restriction:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Restrictions > Shipping Methods.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Shipping Method restrictions include the following options:
- Short Description — Identifies this rule. As you add more rules, short descriptions will make it easier for you to manage them effectively.
- Exclude Methods — The Shipping Methods disabled by this new rule.
- Exclude Rate IDs — advanced option for excluding Shipping Method options generated by external APIs.
- Show Excluded — When enabled, excluded Shipping Methods are visible at checkout. Select this option if you prefer to have a notice displayed when customers choose an excluded Shipping Method.
- Custom Notice — Custom notice displayed to customers when choosing an excluded Shipping Method. Overrides the default notice.
- Show Static Notices — By default, when Show Excluded is enabled, a notice is displayed when customers attempt to place an order using a restricted Shipping Method. Select this option if you also want to display a static notice under each restricted Shipping Method.
Use Conditions to introduce conditional logic into the restrictions you create. The following table provides a summary of all Conditions available in global Shipping Method restrictions:
Backorder | in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product on backorder. |
not in package | Satisfied if the package does not contain any product on backorder. | |
all package items | Satisfied if the package contains only products on backorder. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product that is not on backorder. | |
Billing Country | is | Satisfied if one of the listed billing countries is selected at checkout. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed billing countries is selected at checkout. | |
Cart Total | < | Satisfied if the cart total (after discounts, including taxes) is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the cart total (after discounts, including taxes) is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Category | in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product from a listed category. |
not in package | Satisfied if the package does not contain any product from a listed category. | |
all package items | Satisfied if the package contains only products from the listed categories. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product that does not belong in any of the listed categories. | |
Coupon Code | used | Satisfied if a listed coupon is applied in the cart. |
not used | Satisfied if none of the listed coupons is applied in the cart. | |
Customer | e-mail is | Satisfied if the list of e-mails includes the current customer’s e-mail. |
e-mail is not | Satisfied if the list of e-mails does not include the current customer’s e-mail. | |
Customer Role | is | Satisfied if the listed roles include the current customer’s role. |
is not | Satisfied if the listed roles do not include the current customer’s role. | |
Package Item Count | < | Satisfied if the quantity of items in the package is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the quantity of items in the package is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Package Total | < | Satisfied if the package total is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the package total is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Package Weight | < | Satisfied if the total package weight is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the total package weight is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Shipping Class | in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product from a listed shipping class. |
not in package | Satisfied if the package does not contain any product from a listed shipping class. | |
all package items | Satisfied if the package contains only products from the listed shipping classes. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if the package contains at least one product that does not belong in any of the listed shipping classes. | |
Shipping Country | is | Satisfied if the listed shipping countries include the shipping country selected at checkout. If any States/Regions are specified, the condition will match only if a listed State/Region is selected at checkout, as well. |
is not | Satisfied if the listed shipping countries do not include the shipping country selected at checkout. If one of the listed shipping countries is selected at checkout and States/Regions are specified, the condition will match only if a non-listed State/Region is selected. | |
Shipping Postcode | is | Satisfied if the shipping postcode of the package is equal to the specified value, or included in the specified range. |
is not | Satisfied if the shipping postcode of the package is not equal to the specified value, or not included in the specified range. | |
Membership Plan 1 | active exists | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of one of the listed Membership Plans. |
all inactive | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of any of the listed Membership Plans. | |
inactive exists | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of at least one of the listed Membership Plans. | |
all active | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of all listed Membership Plans. | |
Product on Subscription 2 | in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one subscription product with the specified billing period. |
not in package | Satisfied if the package does not contain any subscription product with the specified billing period. | |
all in package | Satisfied if the package contains only subscription products with the specified billing period. | |
not all in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one non-subscription product, or a subscription product with a billing period other than the specified one. | |
Recurring Package 2 | is | Satisfied if the package being evaluated is the recurring package of an initial subscription purchase, or a subscription renewal, with the specified billing schedule. |
is not | Satisfied if the package being evaluated is for an initial subscription order. Also satisfied for recurring packages and subscription renewals with a billing period other than the specified one. | |
Currency 3 | is | Satisfied if one of the listed currencies is currently active. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed currencies is currently active. |
Product-level Restrictions
Product-level Shipping Method restrictions are useful if you want to exclude one or more Shipping Methods when a specific product is in the cart. To add a new product-level Shipping Method restriction:
- Navigate to Product Data > Restrictions.
- Choose the Shipping Methods restriction type.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Product-level restrictions include the same options as the ones found in global restrictions of the same type. However, the available Conditions are slightly different:
- Some conditions are unavailable, since product-level rules are linked to a specific product.
- There is a new Product Quantity condition.
Product Quantity | < | Satisfied if the cart item quantity of the product is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the cart item quantity of the product is higher (>=) than this value. |
Shipping Countries & States
Shipping Country/State restrictions allow you to conditionally prevent customers from checking out when specific shipping countries or states are selected.
Global Restrictions
To create a global restriction:
- Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Restrictions > Shipping Countries & States.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Shipping Country/State restrictions include the following options:
- Short Description — Identifies this rule. As you add more rules, short descriptions will make it easier for you to manage them effectively.
- Exclude Countries — The Shipping Countries excluded by this rule.
- Exclude States/Regions — The Shipping States/Regions excluded by this rule.
- Custom Notice — Custom notice displayed to customers when choosing an excluded Shipping Country/State. Overrides the default notice.
Use Conditions to introduce conditional logic into the restrictions you create. The following table provides a summary of all Conditions available in global Shipping Method restrictions:
Backorder | in package | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product on backorder. |
not in package | Satisfied if a package does not contain any product on backorder. | |
all package items | Satisfied if a package contains only products on backorder. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product that is not on backorder. | |
Cart Total | < | Satisfied if the cart total (after discounts, including taxes) is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the cart total (after discounts, including taxes) is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Category | in package | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product from a listed category. |
not in package | Satisfied if a package does not contain any product from a listed category. | |
all package items | Satisfied if a package contains only products from the listed categories. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product that does not belong in any of the listed categories. | |
Customer | e-mail is | Satisfied if the list of e-mails includes the current customer’s e-mail. |
e-mail is not | Satisfied if the list of e-mails does not include the current customer’s e-mail. | |
Customer Role | is | Satisfied if the listed roles include the current customer’s role. |
is not | Satisfied if the listed roles do not include the current customer’s role. | |
Package Item Count | < | Satisfied if the quantity of items in a package is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if the quantity of items in a package is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Package Total | < | Satisfied if a package total is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | Satisfied if a package total is greater (>=) than this value. | |
Shipping Class | in package | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product from the shipping classes included here. |
not in package | Satisfied if a package contains does not contain any product from the shipping classes included here. | |
all package items | Satisfied if a package contains only products from the shipping classes included here. | |
not all package items | Satisfied if a package contains at least one product not from the shipping classes included here. | |
Membership Plan 1 | active exists | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of one of the listed Membership Plans. |
all inactive | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of any of the listed Membership Plans. | |
inactive exists | Satisfied if the current customer is not a member of at least one of the listed Membership Plans. | |
all active | Satisfied if the current customer is a member of all listed Membership Plans. | |
Product on Subscription 2 | in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one subscription product with the specified billing period. |
not in package | Satisfied if the package does not contain any subscription product with the specified billing period. | |
all in package | Satisfied if the package contains only subscription products with the specified billing period. | |
not all in package | Satisfied if the package contains at least one non-subscription product, or a subscription product with a billing period other than the specified one. | |
Currency 3 | is | Satisfied if one of the listed currencies is currently active. |
is not | Satisfied if none of the listed currencies is currently active. |
Product-level Restrictions
Product-level Shipping Country/State restrictions are useful if you want to exclude one or more Shipping Countries/States when a specific product is in the cart. To add a new product-level restriction:
- Navigate to Product Data > Restrictions.
- Choose the Shipping Countries & States restriction type.
- Click the Add Restriction button.
- Configure options.
Product-level restrictions include the same options as the ones found in global restrictions of the same type. However, the available Conditions are slightly different:
- Some conditions are unavailable, since product-level rules are linked to a specific product.
- There is a new Product Quantity condition.
Product Quantity | < | In effect if the cart item quantity of the product involved is lower (<) than this value. |
>= | In effect if the cart item quantity of the product involved is higher (>=) than this value. |
How to pay via CREDIT CARD
STEP 1 – Click “Purchase Now” Button. you will be redirect to checkout page.
STEP 2 – Fill in personal info (name, last name & email) – Click “PURCHASE” Button
STEP 3 – You will be redirect to a secure PayPal page. Click “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”
STEP 4 – Fill out credit card info, billing address etc. Then Submit
STEP 5 – Once Done paying you will be redirected back to our page, and you will receive an email containing the plugin file.
if you have not received any file. please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected].